The Five Stages of Moving as a 20-Something (as explained by a 20-something who has moved 19 times)

Who’s Taylor? Where’s Paul?

Stage 1: Denial

This is no problem.  I moved as a kid, and it was fine.  I’ll just throw my clothes in some trash bags and call up some friends.  Who was that guy in Poli Sci?  With the pick up truck?  I think I have his name somewhere…

Stage 2: Anger

Why do people have to make this so complicated? Do I seriously need to hire a carpet cleaner?  How am I going to have time for cleaning if I need to be out the day that I need to move into the new place?  I better get my deposit back!

Stage 3: Bargaining

Heeeeeey… Paul? It’s me!  From Poli Sci! You know, sophomore year of college? Do you still have a pickup truck?  Do you want some pizza for, say, a measly 6 hours of manual labor?  … What do you mean your name is Taylor?

Stage 4: Depression

That’s it.  There’s no way I’m packing, moving, and not having a brain aneurysm at the same time.  There’s way too much to do and I can’t even get myself to start. You know what…I’m going to go take a nap.  Take a nap and think about all the life choices that pointed me to this terrible moment.   

Stage 5: Acceptance

This is too much for me to handle while work/school/Overwatch/all seven seasons of Golden Girls also exist. I’ve got a little extra cash to spare and I’d rather spend my time looking forward to my new place instead of crying while trying to google how to pack dishes. Time to get an estimate.

Start planning your move today with Bookstore Movers Free Estimate Form and spare yourself some grief!

A Catalog of Terms



Here at Bookstore Movers, we love words. In fact, we’re soi-disant lexicon aficionados. Words move us, so to say. And we’d like to move you. Thus, here is a catalog of terms to describe what your move would be like with Bookstore Movers.

Efficacious: Successful in producing a desired or intended result. It may not be the most poetic or romantic way to describe it, but a move with Bookstore Movers is, in fact, very effective. If possible, your possessions will be physically moved, absolutely guaranteed. It’s kinda what we do.

Intrepid: Having no fear, very brave or bold.  It may be an exaggeration to say that we have no fear, but I’d definitely say that we are brave and bold.  We have a healthy amount of fear, and we do have our limits (I’m looking at you, grand pianos!) but as we grow as a company and experience more, we only get bolder. More importantly, when you use our services, you should be 100% fear free because we’ve got your back.

Perspicacious: Having a ready insight into and understanding of things.  We’ve got years of experience and we know just how to help you. Our movers are well-trained, prepped, and ready to help. Our operations team has seen just about everything (Feel free to take that as a challenge!).  We didn’t get voted Best Movers 7 years in a row for nothing!

Sagacious: Having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment.  Our admin team, those lovely folks you kind of think may be at least partly robotic, are crazy-good at estimates. In fact, they tend to be right while estimating times more often than our actual movers–just don’t ask them to move anything larger than their laptops.

Fulgurant: Flashing like lightning; brilliant. Maybe this is a stretch, but we do take pride in how fast we respond to emails.  We see it, we respond, and FLASH: you’ve got mail.

Puissant: Mighty, or having great power or influence. Our movers lift for a living, so they have both the strength and the know-how.  They actually complete roughly 10 to 12 Herculean labors during training, ranging from loading a storage pod to slaying the nine-headed hydra.

Celeripedean: Swift-footed.  Our movers are fast and efficient, like a mix between wing-sandaled Hermes and super-buff Hercules. And maybe, like, some Helios since he pulled the sun across the sky.  He was pretty much a mythical mover with a much stranger truck.

Doughty: Brave and persistent.  Yes, this word applies to our movers, always facing new challenges and working through them.  Also, our operations and admin teams, working side by side to offer the best customer service we can.  But also it apply to me, personally, right now, trying desperately to sell this move to you.  C’mon. Do it.

Sempiternal: Eternal and unchanging.  Now, we here at Bookstore Movers are always in flux.  We’re constantly changing–growing as a company, adding more trucks, hiring more amazing people. But some things never change.  We will always strive to provide amazing service. We have a commitment to excellence and a reputation to back it up.  We are here to make things easier on you, and that will never, ever change.

So what’s the epimyth here? We here at BSM are here to help, whether it be with a move (hopefully!) or with learning a few new words that I myself may have had to google to double-check the meanings.  You may also learned that we are often a sesquipedal people prone to long and goofy tangents, but that’s just another sempiternal fact of Bookstore Movers.  We look forward to hearing from you!