An Incomplete List of College Moving Mishaps

There comes a point in everyone’s life when they decide it’s a good idea to try and move themselves. For most, this point is college. But regardless of the time in your life, it can seem so tempting– save some money, just bribe friends with pizza and beer! It’s your stuff, so you’ll treat it the best, right? Not always right. It’s the true test of friendship– you’ll see how many people show up, and how many people are willing to help post mid-move breakdown. 

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Giving Tuesday, 2019

I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving! As always, we here at Bookstore Movers are thankful for all we have– from the roof over our heads to a friendly dog, cat, or flock of sheep to curl up with at home, we’ve got a lot to be grateful for. 

It’s important during the season, when the whole world is lit up with neon ‘BUY BUY BUY’ signs, that we remember to give. During the holiday season, we give to friends and family to show affection. We give to charity because we have what we need, and hope to share that. If you’ve got a long list of things to be thankful for, whether it’s cozy socks and mugs of cocoa or awesome coworkers who send you pictures of their sheep, it’s prime time for giving and sharing that joy. 

This Giving Tuesday, we’d like to highlight some of our favorite Community Builders

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