New Years: Finally 2021

This year was… a lot. It was a lot. Not all of it was bad, as you can see in this earlier blog, but I don’t think anyone is sad to see 2020 go. As we welcome in the New Year and write up our resolutions, let’s really try to focus on what we’d like 2021 to bring. Whether you pray, meditate, or just send out good vibes– why not start with a little positivity?

I suggest an exercise: think of what you want next year to be. Healthy and safe would be number one for me. Maybe creative, productive, fun. Think of the family and friends you’d like to stay in contact with, even if it has to be online or over the phone. Everything you want the next year to give to you.

Perhaps this exercise yields nothing. Maybe you’re thinking to yourself, what is this, The Secret? Manifestation? What good is that phooey? And maybe you’re right. Maybe you are. But, what’s the harm in daydreaming? And more so, why can’t you work to make reality just a bit more like your daydreams?

I want next year to be safer and healthier for myself and those around me, so I’m diligent with my mask and social distancing. I want to be close to people I love, so I schedule time to talk in advance and activities we can do together even when we’re apart–hello Netflix Watch Party! I want to focus on my creativity so I try new things and run with them. Like writing a blog entry, or making up exercises. And for your goals, you can do the same.

So make your lists. Think of all the things that can bring you closer to the way you want things to be. Breathe deep. Take some time to yourself. Sleep well, eat well, stay hydrated. And gosh darn it, bring a coat with you– it’s cold!

Have a Happy New Year! May it be full of love and growth, and most of all: may it not be 2020.

Moving in the Time of Covid-19

The list of things that are absurdly stressful in life is infinite. Thinking of this list is itself on the list. In any other year, I’d put ‘Moving’ right up at the top there. In 2020… you know, there’s a few other things that have been going on. But if we’re looking at ‘Pandemic’ right at the top of the list, we know there’s a couple subcategories, and moving is definitely one of those.

There are plenty of things that can help though–case and point, hiring a moving company (and packing! And storage! We gotchu!). We work hard at keeping our Covid-19 procedures up to date, and you can check out what we’re up to in our emails and at The information below will also be available in our emails and updates, so don’t worry if you forget about it! 

Here are the things you can do to make sure you have a (more) stress-free move:

  • Be sure to keep areas–especially high touch areas like doorknobs and handrails–cleaned and disinfected. This will protect both your crew and yourself. 
  • Mask up!
  • Stage your items prior to the move so that they’re focused in a smaller area and are easier to grab and move.
  • Have hand soap, water, and paper towels on hand so that everyone can wash up periodically. Don’t forget to show your crew where these items are at the beginning of your move! 
  • Practice social distancing with your crew. You can step outside if it’s warm enough. We suggest prioritizing one room for your crew to get started in, and once that room is clear you can wait in there until the walkthrough. 
  • Limit the amount of people on location. A lot of people may offer to help with your move, but we always suggest you leave it to the professionals. In this climate, it is just safer in general.
  • Open windows for more ventilation.

Overall, there’s not too much you have to do to make sure your move is performed as safely and efficiently as possible. Essentially: a stress-free move involves some prep and then a hands-free approach. Stay safe out there!