What Moves You: March for Racial Justice

Another week, another cause that we fiercely believe in. This week in our What Moves You series, we are proud to announce our support for the March for Racial Justice. In our day and age, it is impossible to ignore the disparities in treatment of and justice for minorities in America. The rise of social media, accessible cameras, and widespread information gives a voice to people that past generations have tried, and sometimes failed, to ignore. Because when so many people are here wholeheartedly to speak up with this voice, we cannot be ignored any longer.

According to The March for Racial Justice’s website, M4RJ is a black and indigenous led multi-community movement united in our demands for racial equity and justice. This includes a reversal of unjust laws, policies, and practices that hasten inequality, dehumanize people of color, and maintain white supremacy. In the past few months, racial tensions have been volatile as both man-made and natural tragedies have destroyed lives. This march is to show solidarity and demand change.

To us, this is not a radical or controversial idea. Our nation was founded on the idea of equality while being built upon systematic inequality, and people have been working towards equality and justice ever since. Racial justice is a cause that everyone can and should support. So we stand with our brothers and sisters, and, like we have for decades, we march.

Join us on Saturday, September 30th in Lincoln Park on Capitol Hill. If you are unable to march, due to distance, disability, or in observance of Yom Kippur, there are still ways to support this cause, as The March for Racial Justice continues to support your human rights as well. Check out the links below to learn, donate, endorse, volunteer, and spread the word.  We hope to see you there.

DONATE — Watch the Generosity by Indiegogo campaign video and donate to the cause!


ENDORSE — Officially endorse the march and partner with March for Racial Justice!


REGISTER — Register for the march and join us on the 30th of September!


VOLUNTEER — Interested in being more actively involved? Sign up here!





What Moves You: CureFest

This week in the What Moves You series, we’d like to focus on a an event near and dear to our hearts: CureFest. This weekend marks our 4th year working with CureFest, and we look forward to continue helping whenever we can.

CureFest, 2015

Curefest began in 2011, which makes September 16th and 17th their 6th event. Their mission is to make childhood cancer research a national priority by bringing together the general public, the medical community, elected leaders, and those whose lives have been touched by childhood cancer.  By meeting in the National Mall and presenting both informational booths and activities, they create a family-friendly space where the childhood cancer community can be together and where the general public can learn about childhood cancer and support research. They even have entertainment and key speakers perform.

Whether you’d like to march in their rally to the US Capitol, attend the candlelight vigil, see some live music (there’s even an auction for a Sabrina Carpenter meet and greet!), listen to some truly amazing people speak, or just check out and see just what the big deal is, we implore you to stop by this amazing event.  Whether you bring your family, friends, or just attend solo there is plenty to do and learn. Help CureFest raise the voice of children with cancer and try to find safer, less toxic treatments for them.

If you’d like more information on CureFest, please check out the links below!


@CurefestUSA on Facebook and Twitter

We hope to see you there!  

What Moves You: Sal’s Shoes and Players International

At Bookstore Movers, we firmly believe in supporting what moves you. Whether it’s working with conservation efforts, doing social work, volunteering or donating, there are so many ways to support a cause and make the world a little brighter.

Last February, Bookstore Movers was proud to work with Sal’s Shoes for the first time. In coordination with the wonderful individuals at both Sal’s Shoes and PeacePlayers International, we packed, loaded, and shipped over 550 pairs of donated sneakers!

It’s hard to believe, but there are 300 million children in the world to whom shoes are a rarity.* Considering how quickly children grow out of shoes, it makes sense to keep these shoes in rotation and help out children in need. By sending shoes, you are making the world safer and more accessible to these kids, so they can go to school, learn a sport, and know that people are hoping to see them succeed in achieving their goals.

Working with Sal’s Shoes, we saw our donations make their way to Goma, in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Through Goal Academy and Promo Jeune Basket, our new shoes became the prize of a large soccer competition.  Participants in winning teams each received a pair of shoes, and through scholarships, play, and team building, each player walked away from winter camp with something to treasure and remember.  

In the coming years, we hope to keep supporting Sal’s Shoes, Goal Academy, and Promo Jeune Basket–especially as PJB builds their first international school.  We couldn’t be prouder of what these non-profit organizations have done to help communities around the world, and that we got to play a small part of it.

Every player in this photo received a pair of shoes!

What moves you? Let us know! If you’re curious about any of these non-profits, check out the links below and see if you’d like to help out, one step at a time!



*Source: Sal’s Shoes